Sunday, October 16, 2011

What Is The theory of Evolution?

What Is The theory of Evolution?

People have all the time wondered who we are, where we came from, and how we came to be. Scholars argue that we are the descendents of an unknown base ancestor to the ape and that we are intimately linked to them as well. Others argue that we came to be based on the teachings in the Bible. In any case the evolution law provides a good discussion which gives citizen the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time doesn't associate anyway to what is usually religiously practiced.

The law of evolution has been argued by scholars for many years. The base law is the Darwin law of Evolution which states that all life is linked and has descended from a base ancestor. This law argues the fact that todays plants and animals (including humans) have evolved over time from our primitive ancestors straight through the process known as natural selection. This process states that the useful traits of our ancestors over an extended duration of time resulted in what is known as todays plant or animal. To put it simply, we are the most up to date model of what is known as a human like the most up to date model of a car, and like a car over time it will "evolve" and become more adapted and productive to great suit its environment.

There is also the moot on either evolution is a fact or theory. Most scientists believe that evolution is authentically a law with very well supported facts, such as fossils. While others believe that evolution is a fact and can be proven anytime. Religious experts would often argue evolution to be law but at the same time scientists would argue what they believe to be law as well. Each side in turn could both be law since one is based on facts on what is and the other is based on faith. Who knows what to believe authentically when both sides gift such strong arguments? We as humans are stuck with this difficult decision on either to believe what we were raised (for the most part) to believe or to believe the facts that are brought before us.

Regardless on if it's a fact or theory, it is still a widely discussed topic on how we came to be what we are today. We must also take note that with all the facts that we have on this subject, it is still a big puzzle with many missing pieces that still need to be discovered. Without more and ultimately the rest of the pieces, the topic of evolution will never be able to reach its full potential.

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