Darwin-Evolutionism - Undeniable Astronomic Improbabilities Despite Secular Claims of Proven Fact!
Darwin-Evolution Theory
Charles Darwin, in 1859, published his very fantastic principles about evolution: an accidental spark of original life from Lightning remarkable a pool of pre-biotic soup, random mutations of life forms, small cumulative steps over eons of time; and continuous natural option via "survival of the fittest". The whole non-religious world became believers, and scientists anxiously sought to find the first "missing link" - fossils which would prove Darwin's theory. However, a century passed and tens of thousands of fossils were dug up, examined and documented - but no such evidence was found. (However, his theories do apply very well after the original species has - somehow - come to life!)
Despite this lack of confirmation, however, a basic bias, favoring Evolution by leaders and intellectuals everywhere, took root, has grown and continues today, nurtured by a tendency of the secular elite to publicize items of hold and to negatize contrary findings. The corollary has been a generation of "brainwashed" teachers, students, writers, judges and the normal collective - "Darwin-Evolutionism" being thorough as fact (and trust in "God" or a inventor dismissed as childish). Even those who know otherwise ordinarily "go along" to avoid ridicule, adding to the Universal belief-system. This, despite expanding scientific challenges - such as a serious lack of fossil corroboration plus contradicting scientific data while up-to-date decades - casting doubt on Darwin theory. Thus, most educated habitancy today believe in Darwin-Evolutionism and reject the possibility of a creator, despite accumulating evidence that there is less and less of Science disagreeing with the Bible, and more and more of actual confirmations!
Secular Elitist Views
The writings of columnist Richard Cohen of the Washington Post on Darwin-Evolutionism are representative of the reasoning and mindset of most (non-scientist) erudite writers and steerers of collective thought:
- "Darwin, visiting the Galapagos Islands in 1835, was stunned by what he saw and evolved a principles to elucidate it all - natural selection."
- "Creationism - [is] a matter of religious trust .. Not scientific principles or fact."
- "intellectual honesty counts for less and less. .. [or] intellectual integrity."
- "The current and ongoing strike on evolution, is an assault, on reasoning and truth and skepticism.
Similar views of the liberal elite have appeared in all prominent newspapers and magazines, evidencing a clear attitude of smug superiority, phrases such as "intellectual honesty and integrity" and the disCharge of "creationism" abound.
Even more scathing than Cohen's column, the New Yorker's "Talk of the Town" featured an record by Hendrick Hertzberg, not-too-subtly entitled "Mired". It ostensibly argued the competitive theories of Darwinism and Creationism - labeling the latter "mud theory" (citing Genesis, ".. Water . . And the Lord formed man of the dust". (The distinct explanation: "mud is what you get when you add water to dust.") Sophisticated and humorous, the record ridicules Creationism,
Hertzberg's statements and the comments they invite:
- "The mud principles is still dominant in the United States" "A competitive principles .. Conceived a century and a half ago by Charles Darwin .. Commands solid majorities in most of the industrialized world .. Remarkable evidence for its validity .. Near-unanimous hold of scientists everywhere." Comment: The statements: "over-whelming evidence of its validity" and "near-unanimous hold of scientists" are both strenuously challenged by many scientists.
- equates "natural science and supernatural supposition as different schools of thought." Comment: Denigrating the popularly-believed "biblical principles of Creationism" as only "supernatural supposition" - seems a gratuitous insult to the large majority of religious Americans!
- "Id (Intelligent Design) recognizes that the age of the universe is measured in billions, not thousands of years." Comment: Apparently neither Mr. Hertzberg nor his editors are well-known with Einstein's law of "time dilation" (Law of Relativity), and seem unknowing about what Science says happened at the starting of our universe (See Ezine article, "Big Bang - starting of Universe: 13.7 Billion Years Ago (Earth time - vs six days Cosmic and Bible time!)".
- "But I.D. - whose central (and admittedly refuted) talking point is that distinct structures of living things are too intricate to have evolved without the intervention of an "intelligent designer" - enjoys virtually no scientific support. " Comment: "Easily refuted" and "virtually no scientific support"? It would be consuming for Mr. Hertzberg and his editors to refute the arguments of so many outstanding scientists - reading the sections herein on the mathematical improbabilities for life by random opening mutations (Darwin-Evolutionism).
Fear of Pro-Darwinist Intolerance
Noteworthy has been the corollary of fear of the dominant and increasingly intolerant secular world-view, its unwillingness to accept contrary scientific developments, and thus - for those whose work tends to challenge Darwinism - a concern for personal reputations and careers, even for world-class scientists.
A century ago, Dr. C. Walcott, Director of the Smithsonian Institute, did the "unthinkable" for a paleontologist - he re-hid 60,000 fossils that he had just discovered in the Burgess Pass of the Canadian Rockies. Under a tropical sea 530 million years ago, the sand so fine, that soft tissue was preserved, the 60,000 fossils were the many find ever. Walcott, however, did not issue his findings and give them to the world, but hid them again in the Smithsonian's basement lockers (re-discovered by a graduate-student after almost a century.) He did so because the sixty-thousand first-ever fossils showed fully-formed creatures of all extant life forms - not a single missing-link or inter-step creature! The Burgess Pass fossils show that the fossil record does not hold Darwinian theory. Walcott obviously worried that his findings could destroy even his credit and career.
A bit later, even Professor Albert Einstein acted similarly in regard to his expanding universe Field Equations - subsequently confirmed by the Hubble expansive observations. An expanding universe meant a "shrinking" universe as one thought about the past. And without size limitation, Einstein's principles would therefore mean that the starting of our universe was but a tiny speck - such a observation was distinct to evoke the belief of the biblical Genesis story, contrary to his own beliefs and the secular world-view of Darwin-Evolutionism - maybe ruinous to his career. Einstein, therefore, also did the "unthinkable" - he incorporated a "fudge factor" so his mathematical universe would be constant in size! After the irrefutable expansive proof of an expanding universe, he admitted his performance as "the biggest blunder of my life."
In present-day school systems, Boards of instruction and courts, influenced by aggressive secularist Aclu et al, have established the classroom curriculum - teach only Darwin-Evolutionism. Teachers who do not go along are being expelled.
Pro-Darwin Scientists, Frank and Honest!
The objections by civic and school leaders to the teaching of consuming form as an alternate to Darwin-Evolutionism theory, has resulted in a growing controversy, with a flurry of articles purporting to hold the pro-Darwin court rulings. However, it is quite informative to read such articles by scientific authorities in the fields of relevance: biology, chemistry, biochemistry. Paleontology, etc., and - despite the conviction by these intellectual elite that D-E is proven fact - witness the lack of such proof! Each progressive bit of knowledge of Life's origins acquired while the past two centuries seems to find only deeper mysteries. The escalating complexity of researcher's reports have come to be increasingly multifaceted. Listed below are quotes from pro-D-E scientists which feature the fact that D-E is not proven fact and, in all probability, cannot ever be proven. (Adding to this, there is still the Remarkable mathematical improbabilities by scientists who challenge both an accidental origin and a Darwinian mutational improvement for life on Earth. Note. The compounding complexities of the explore attempts and arcane hypotheses are presented in the source reference book; as also are the individually quoted scientist-authors)
The following quotes are by pro-Darwin scientists - refuting the claims by secularists that D-E- is proven science - despite 175 years of research, the principles is still engulfed in mysteries:
- "Life could not have evolved without a genetic mechanism - able to store, replicate, and send to progeny data [as do Rna, Dna]";
- ".. Most sober attempts to reconstruct life .. [are] fraught with guesswork. "
- "Rna meets requirements, but is very unstable. A self-catalyzing, self-replicating Rna molecule is unlikely to have arisen spontaneously. So where did it come from?"
- ".. Cooked" by some unknown vigor after being" chemically combined in a pre-biotic soup".
- "..perhaps life's precursor molecules formed .. In a soup of prehistoric organic compounds four billion years ago."
- "The hypothesis that a pre-biotic soup fostered an Rna world .. Then spawned life, still .. Most coherent .. Life's evolution .. [but] exact pathway for life's origin .. Never be known."
- "How did genetic polymers [Rna] come to direct protein synthesis in [the] early atmosphere?"
- .. Pro-D-E scientists .. World's most-knowledgeable - Crick, co-discoverer of Dna (admitted agnostic, inclined to atheism). "From Watson-Crick base pairings .. Molecular biologists .. Protein synthesis .. Most unlikely."
- "Ten years later...Crick invoked 'sequence hypothesis' .. Dna .. Expressed [as] .. Message and code .. Remained obscure .. [the] spelling of .. The message and [its] mechanism."
- "Mechanism conceived as .. Single-stranded Rna .. [the] messenger. Jacob and Monom argued [against] .. Details of code, sixty-four codons govern twenty amino acids .. Details obscure. No .. Direct connection in the middle of .. Rna and amino acids."
- Crick wrote, "If consider physico-chemical nature of amino acid side chains, do not find .. Features .. Where are .. Knobby hydrophobic surfaces .. [or] expensed groups? " .. Led to windup .. "nucleic acids not form templates for amino acids, therefore data contained - wisdom of the species - had to be expressed .. As code".
- In 1969 .. Adapters .. Discovered .. Twenty designated [as] 'transfer Rna' .. Raised question, 'What acted to adapt the Adapters to amino acids? ' ..
- amino acylation [designated] tRna - ribosome .. Replication to Transcription to Translation .. Proceeds [only] one direction .. well-known [enigma] form 'chicken and egg. 'Without amino acid -'tRna' .. No translation from Rna - without Dna, no synthesis .. Suggests life comes only from life. Which came first, chicken - form of Dna, or egg - form of proteins? And if neither, how could life have begun? " "hypotheses .. Chicken was egg."
- Discovery of ribozyme .. Ribonucleic enzyme .. An whole world of Rna. "This catalogue .. No longer fantasy. But it is not yet fact."
- Miller-Urey .. Experienced geochemists .. Reservations." ".. Pre-biotic climate more .. Neutral than reductive .. Minute methane .. Good deal of carbon dioxide." "..remained embarrassing hidden .." "The issue .. Troubling. up-to-date paper in Science .. Pre-biotic climate .. Seriously in error." Crick: "Either a reducing climate or [we do] not have .. Organic compounds [as] required for life."
- "Among questions .. Nitrogenous base cytosine. Not a trace .. [in] meteors, comets or Antarctic -nor produced .. In pre-biotic chemistry. Beyond living cells .. Not found at all."
- "1999 Proceedings, Nat'l Acad. Of Science, R. Shapiro - Robertson-Miller principles - cytosine - went nowhere." "..fall to 0 (zero) percent .." ".. Robertson-Miller chemical reaction "..self-defeating .. Contingent on unlikely circumstances."
- ".. Involved sugars also needed .. Dextro-riBose .. Chemist A. Eschenmoser altered molecules .. Skeptics noted chemist himself necessary to process .."
- "Events .. Appear to depend on [the] large assumption, unproved, that early climate was reductive."
- "The historical task assigned .. Forming chains of nucleic acids .. Discovering those capable of self-reproduction. Without first .. No Rna, without second .. No life."
- Darwin-Evolution begins with self-replicating, and self-replicating admittedly what needs to be explained."
- "To accumulating program of assumptions, add two more .. By means [we] cannot double .. [how did] pre-biotic molecule witness how [to] replicate itself? "
- Microbiologist, C. Woese, "If nucleic acids cannot .. Identify amino acids .. No 'fundamental principle'.. At work."
- "The most difficult and consuming question .. Origins of life .. Genetic code .. From a chemical perspective, arbitrary. The other half .. performance of the proteins .. Necessary. The question follows: how did .. The whole system-get there? "
- " prevailing belief among molecular biologists is - questions only answered by experiment. H. Suga experiment .. Ribozime managed to adhere itself .. Suga summarizing results of research, "..no more than .. A feather [being the] foundation of a building.
- "Darwin perspective .. Impediment: the assignment of a degree of vision .. That the process could not maybe possess."
- " prudent to recall how much has been assumed. [Six assumptions] .. Paradigm revolution .. Metabolism .. Alternative to Rna world .. No evidence [that] it is true."
- "Could two steps have taken place simultaneously? If so, .. Appears - very Minute discrepancy in the middle of a Darwinian explanation and frank admission .. Miracle at work."
- " no one has conducted experiment prominent to self-replicating ribozine. .. Minimum distance needed .. almost 100 nucleotides. .. Odds 1 in 10 to 60th Power .. No betting man would take .. [real] odds even worse."
- "175 years since F. Wohler .. [experiment] urea .. Questions about origins of the mind and of life ".. 'immense and Remarkable universe .. Impossible .. [to be] corollary of 'blind chance' - we may have to say that 'mind' and 'life' appear in the universe for no good intuit that we can ascern. "
Pro-Darwin Scientists (also explore Complexities)
Pro-Darwinism scientists are well motivated, mostly atheistic, just unwilling to accept the idea of a God or inventor or consuming Designer. However, they are honest in their explore admissions.
Natural History Magazine, "The Origins of Life". Feb. 2006; Antonio Lascano, Biology Professor; President, International community for Study of Origins of Life -among world's most esteemed scientists, dedicated believer in Darwin-Evolutionism.
- principles from Zoologist Haeckel - first life forms plants - micro-organism .. Photosynthesis .. Non-living matter; principles rejected by Oparin .. Long period a-biotic synthesis organic compounds .. Obtain as pre-biotic soup .. Preceding life - proposing "organic molecules could evolve straight through fermentation into pre-cellular systems .. Could have led to cells .. Fed on pre-biotic soup .. "
- Chemist Wachter-shauser proposed "iron-sulphur" hypothesis, iron sulfide mixing with hydrogen sulfide, releasing hydrogen .. Organic compounds could form from carbon monoxide in climate .. "life" could have begun if "self-catalyzing" systems emerged from organic compound". "Unfortunately, geologic record .. Not respond questions by Miller or Wachtershauser .. No knowledge of early Earth environment, temperature, ocean acidity, climate .. No fossil record of 'first cell entities'".
- Theories and experiments with pre-biotic simulation since 1807, Proust, Berzeriul, Wohler, Strecker, Butlerov, et al, attempted synthesizing molecules under primitive conditions. Miller and Urey, others also, confirm "amino acids and molecules can form", but even with extra-terrestrial molecules to "spice" pre-biotic soup - "how did single compounds come to be Involved molecules, then first living entities - remains "most consuming quiz, in science."
Commentary Magazine, "On the Origins of Life", Feb. 2006, David Berlinski.; wide article, covering unblemished history of centuries-long attempts to create life in laboratory from inorganic materials of assumed early world atmosphere. starting in 1828 with cyanic acid and ammonia, first synthesis of urea, chief constituent of urine, achieved by chemist Wohler. Theories of pre-biotic "soup" of methane and ammonia led to experiments with electrons of hydrogen atoms, electrical disCharges replicating Lightning, and then to Miller-Urey experiment in 1953. Earlier, Watson and Crick published double helix Dna principles in Nature magazine, ".. Copying mechanism .. For genetic material." Watson-Crick experiment seemed victorious - amino acids found in living systems. From promising start, history of man's (futile) attempts to "create life" from pre-biotic soup of inorganic matter - exhaustively presented. (Doctorate in biology would be helpful to realize the up-and-back steps of Involved theories and experiments.) (Note - summary-conclusion same as herein -cannot prove whether way - however, obstacles to Darwinian principles are insurmountable.)
Quotations of various elements of the historical record are from the articles. The exchanges of technical consulation emphasizes the complexity and zeal with which pro-Darwin scientists push themselves seeking a non-creator solution. Other articles on the branch are "Monkeys and Morals", New Republic Magazine, Gertrude Himmelfarb; witness Magazine, "Testing Darwin", by Carl Zimmer.
Scientists and Mathematicians consuming D-E theory
- "In the five-million-year transition, pre-Cambrian to Cambrian life, the basic anatomy of every animal alive developed. Gigantic morphological changes were required in every part of the ancestral genome. ... [yet] no evidence of evolution within the five-million-year span of the Cambrian explosion."
- Cambrian explosion of life is one of the many discoveries - 530 million years ago - "basic anatomies of all life forms extant today appeared simultaneously in the oceans."
- "No pro-Darwin evidence in the fossil record - neither fossils nor range of life furnish proof of one species changing into another, or improvement of Involved life from earlier, simpler forms."
- "The explosion of life recorded in the Burgess Shale fossils contradicted .. Gradualism" (evolution principles of Darwin - cumulative random mutations).
- "Approximately 250 million years ago, 95 percent of all marine life suffered a Gigantic extinction - ecology wide open .. Yet no new body plans evolved to fill ecological gap. Why?"
- "Every paleontologist knows .. New species, genera and families .. Appear suddenly, not by gradual, continuous transitional sequences. "
- "A major question in proving principles of evolution - fossil record never revealed Darwin's hypothetical intermediate variants - instead species appear and disappear right away - fuels the consulation - each species created by God."
- "Paleontologists - not seeing expected changes .. Fossils recognizably the same .. Known to paleontologists long before Darwin [who] prophesized hereafter generations would fill the gaps .. 120 years later, abundantly clear .. Fossil record shows prediction wrong .. Species static .. Everybody knew it but favorite to ignore it. Paleontologists, obstinately refusing to yield Darwin's predictions, simply looked the other way."
- "Eldredge-Gould belief of punctuated equilbria gained wide acceptance among paleontologists .. [Darwinism] fails to catalogue for paradox: within continuously sampled lineages, rarely [the] gradual morphological trends expected - convert occurs with sudden appearance of new well-differentiated species."
- "Modern multicellular animals - first appearance in the fossil record 570 million years ago - with a bang. Cambrian explosion - arrival of virtually all major groups of modern animals - all within miniscule span (geologically) of a few million years."
- "The fossil record caused Darwin more grief than joy. Nothing distressed him more than Cambrian explosion - coincident appearance of almost all Involved organic designs."
- "Paleontologists long aware of contradiction in the middle of Darwin's postulate of gradualism and actual findings of paleontology .. No evidence for any convert of species into different genus, or for origin of an evolutionary novelty. Whatever truly novel always appears right away in the fossil record."
- "In the whole fossil record, with millions of specimens, no midway transitional fossil ever found at the basic levels of phylum or class."
- "If life had evolved into its wondrous profusion of creatures Minute by little, Dr. Eldredge argues, one would expect to find fossils of transitional creatures, a bit like what went before, a bit like what came after. But no one has found any evidence of such transitional creatures - oddity attributed to gaps in the fossil record - expected to fill when rock strata of permissible age had been found. In last decade, however, geologists have found rock layers of all divisions of past 600 million years - no transitional forms. "
- "Given that evolution, according to Darwin - follows, logically, that the fossil record should be rife with examples of transitional forms prominent from the less to the more evolved. Instead - only gaps - no evidence of transformational intermediates in the middle of species."
- "Is only one genetic principles workable? Based on all biological and paleontological data, that seems to be the case. Why"
- "The absence of fossil evidence for intermediate stages in the middle of major transitions in organic design, admittedly our inability, even in imagination, to form functional intermediates .. Persistent, nagging question for gradualist accounts of evolution."
- "Biology has discovered that life started after appearance of liquid water.. Three billion years later, animal life exploded in a burst of aquatic organisms, all phyla alive today."
- "Contrary to scientific belief held until recently, fossil data demonstrate that first easy plant life appeared immediately after liquid water, not billions of years later. "
- "The fossil evidence .. Challenges superior evolution .. Found world-wide ... The Cambrian explosion encompassed the globe. Jointed legs ,. Eyes with optically excellent lenses - all evolved simultaneously [for] all body plans extant today - single burst in the fossil record. "
- "Darwin's principles incompatible with current scientific data."
- With regard to birds and wings, earliest fossil data .. "research by paleontologists and biologists furnish no clue [re] developmental origins - wings emerge suddenly .. Fully developed. "
- "The wide Museum of Natural History in London - whole section devoted to Evolution - not a single case with a morphological convert - daisies and moths convert color, but remain daisies and moths."
- "Transitional forms totally absent from fossil record at basic level of phylum. Only after body plans are established are fossil transitions observed"; "Inter-phylum improvement [proven] false by the fossil record".
- "Convergent evolution" - emergence of organs similar in function in differing species. Most Remarkable eye; gene that controls improvement - the same in all phyla, an implausible probability Molecular biology proves "the same gene (one of 50,000-70,000) controls improvement of all optic systems in phyla of all living creatures. "
- "Humans ... almost 70,000 genes ...and almost 70,000 proteins. All mammals - similar .. Proteins - "strings" [each] in the middle of 200 and 1000 amino acids ... Thus fifty to seventy million amino acids...[for animal] structures - make up thirty trillion cells of a human. Can this admittedly be believed to be the corollary of just random selection? "
- "Scientists point out that random mutations should work both ways - disintegrate a new composition or extend from easy to complex" (if "ethical honest"). Mathematical estimates [for] random reactions per Darwin - simply not sufficient time!"
- "Whether studying bacteria, a blade of grass or a human, all base their existence on the same 20 amino acids.
- "The lungfishes, like every major group of fishes .. Origins based on nothing. "
- "Animal life confined to thirty-four basic body plans - why? "
- "It is a easy ineluctable truth that virtually all members of a biota remain garage .. Throughout duration. "
- H. Morowitz, Professor of Physics, Yale University; "Random events cannot catalogue for the origin of life. "
- "Michael Behe, makes compelling consulation against "macro-evolution .. The intricacy of sub-cellular biochemical systems .. "macro-evolution cannot control at the microcellular level" - proving point using five systems in the body - "any Minute convert causes very specialized machinery of the cell inoperable. From sub-cellular perspective, impossible for a bacterium to evolve into organism with Involved biochemical systems because of their irreducibly Involved mechanisms, no matter how much time available!"
- "Paleontological data is consistent with the view that all currently recognized phyla evolved 525 million years ago. Despite half billion years .. No new phylum level designs have appeared. "
- "Eldredge and Gould .. Take the [fossil] record at face value. .. No evidence of modification within species, or .. Intermediate in the middle of species, because [believe] neither occurred - species form almost instantaneously - remain unchanged."
- "We have long known of stasis and abrupt appearance .. Have chosen to fob it off on imperfect fossil record."
- "Paleontologists ever since Darwin searched for sequences [of] fossils .. A expected fact that most species remain recognizable, virtually unchanged .. In geological sediments."
- "The Remarkable prevalence of stasis - an embarrassing feature of fossil record - best ignored."
- "Paleontologists not seeing the expected changes - fossils remain recognizably the same .. Known to paleontologists long before Darwin .. [he] prophesized hereafter .. Would fill in gaps .. 120 years later, abundantly clear .. Fossil record shows prediction wrong."
- "The record jumps, and all evidence shows .. record is real, gaps reflect real events in life's history, not a poor fossil record .. Flatly fails to substantiate .. Hope of graded change."
- "Despite the consuming promise - paleontology provides means of "seeing" evolution - nasty difficulties for evolutionists - most notorious - "gaps" [in] fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms in the middle of species, and paleontology does not furnish them."
- "The geologic record .. No evidence as to the origin of fishes. "
- "No fish is belief to be ancestral to earliest land invertebrates. "
- "Scientists have no proof that life was not the corollary of .. Creation ., but driven to seek explanations [in] natural law. .. No clear-cut respond [how life arose from inanimate matter] because chemists never succeeded in creation of life from non-living matter. Scientists .. Do not know .. Appearance of life .. Miraculous. maybe life on the earth - unique. No scientific evidence precludes possibility."/li>
- "With the benefit of hindsight, it is Remarkable that paleontologists have thorough gradual evolution as Universal pattern on a handful of supposedly well-documented lineages, none of which admittedly withstands close scrutiny. "
- "Instead of seeing the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists .. admittedly find is .. Species appear suddenly, show Minute or no convert while their existence, then right away go out of the record. rarely [is it] clear that their descendants were admittedly good adapted than their predecessors. In other words, biological revising .. Hard to find."
- "The pathetic thing is that we have scientists trying to prove evolution, which no scientist can ever prove. "
- "In other words when the assumed evolutionary processes did not match .. The pattern was judged to be wrong. As is now well known, most fossil species appear instantaneously .. Persist for millions of years virtually unchanged only to disappear abruptly. question is morphological stasis. A principles [Darwin] is only as good as its predictions .. Claims to be a wide explanation of evolutionary process - failed to predict long-term morphological stasis - now recognized as most remarkable aspects of fossil record."
- "The origin of life is still a mystery - not been demonstrated by experimental realization, I cannot conceive of any of any bodily or chemical health [which leads to evolution]. I cannot be satisfied by the idea that fortuitous mutation .. Can elucidate the Involved and rational assosication of brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, and even joints and muscles. How is it inherent to fly the idea of some consuming and organizing force?"
- "The paradox [of] -life's origins makes spontaneous improvement from inanimate matter impossible: "living cells need both proteins and nucleic acids: nucleic acids for replication, proteins, to verbalize the cell. But neither of these Involved molecules can be produced without the other. " The most marvelous consulation against Darwinism is - "Both of these exceedingly Involved mechanisms (proteins and nucleic acids) were found to be present and fully industrialized in the earliest known living organisms. "
- "Since the monumental consulation on Macro-Evolution held in Chicago in 1980 ... Total reevaluation of life's origins .. World-famous paleontologist, Dr. Niles Eldridge, American Museum of Natural History, unequivocally declared - Remarkable evidence, both statistical and paleontological, [point out] that life could not have started on Earth by series of random chemical reactions."
- Physisist Nathan Aviezer: "Except for three acts of creation, the biblical catalogue of .. The universe can be explained in terms of present-day laws of nature/li>
- "There are 10 to the 390th Power inherent combinations of proteins, [but] fewer than 2 x 10 to the 12th Power [permit 'life'] - therefore only one out of 10 to the 378th power of protein combinations [permit life] .. By random mutations on Dna of genome ,, as if nature chose at random from a bag containing a billion, billion, billion (repeated forty times) proteins, the only one that worked, and then repeated the trick, again and again..."
- "Rediscovery of Walcott's (hidden) fossils in the mid-1980s changed evolutionary belief - scientific journals: Scientific American, National Geographic, Time, many newspapers, e.g. The New York Times, etc., featuredarticles questioning evolution. However, apparently all these had no corollary on the mind-set of intellectual leaders - all those writings in so many major newspapers and scientific journals were apparently ignored - today the high school textbooks and college biology courses still teach that 'invertebrates slowly evolve into vertebrates, and judges and columnists still proclaim what they were taught in their youth."
(Note: It is submitted that the last item, as well as the data and arguments of so many prominent scientists in the specifically applicable fields of paleontology and biology - that this admittedly seems to be evidence of "brain-washing"! It is admittedly not science, admittedly not intuit nor logic, but can only be a willful anti-religion fervor which continues to fuel the wide trust that Darwin-Evolutionism has been scientifically proven.)
Comparative Analysis: D-E vs I.D.
From the voluminous data above, from the frank admissions of pro-Darwin scientists, to the mathematical improbabilities from consuming scientists, it is clear that only anti-religious zeal drives the "Darwinism-is-proven" agenda. Since neither principles can be proved or disproved, with the Gigantic improbabilities for D-E, the rational option has to be consuming Design.
End - anti D-E improbabilities
While Darwin-Evolutionism can be analyzed from calculations of improbability, there is no similar methodology applicable to form intelligence or a inventor - a matter of religious trust or disbelief. However, the analysis of fictional detective Sherlock Holmes to Dr. Watson seems right on point: "After you have eliminated all the probabilities, then all the possibilities - what you have left is what you must accept." Thus with the Darwin-Evolutionism (theory of accidental, haphazard, mutations) eliminated by expansive improbabilities, the only remaining possibility is "Intelligent Design" - that our world could only have come about by planned intelligence, and design.
